Record Cleaning

Clearing Your Record for a Fresh Start
Expungement Overview
Who Is Eligible for an Expungement?
1You have successfully completed probation for the offense, and
2You either: – Did not serve time in state prison for the offense, or – Served time in state prison only because you committed the crime prior to the implementation of “Realignment” under Proposition 47 (Prop 47 reduced sentencing for certain theft and drug crimes)
If you have completed probation and a jail sentence and/or paid your fine you can have your conviction expunged from the record.
Successfully completing probation means you completed all the terms of your probation (such as paying all fines, completing any required counseling programs or community service, etc…) attended all required court appearances (either in person or through your attorney), and did not commit any new crimes while on probation.
Even if you received a probation violation you may still be eligible for expungement. The court will hold a special hearing to determine whether someone who violated their probation may still be eligible for an expungement. The court will consider a totality of the circumstances to determine whether an individual who violated their probation can receive an expungement. The court will weigh factors such as the individual’s overall performance while on probation, the seriousness of the underlying conviction, past criminal history, and any additional evidence for why the individual deserves an expungement such as employment opportunities.

Who Is Not Eligible for an Expungement?
1You are currently charged with another crime
2You are currently on probation for a criminal offense
3You are serving a sentence for a criminal offense
How the Expungement Process Works
Benefits of an Expungement
There are numerous benefits to expunging your criminal record. For many people, the most significant benefit of an expungement is the effect it will have on your career. For example, employers may not discriminate against you based on expunged convictions and you can lawfully answer “no” when an employer asks if you’ve ever been convicted of a crime.
Expunging your record also helps those seeking a state professional license (such as a contractor’s license or a real estate license). Licensing agencies are generally more likely to grant a state license to a person whose convictions have been expunged.

An expungement also enhances your credibility as a witness in court. If you are called to testify at trial,
There is also great personal relief that comes with having a conviction expunged.
An expungement is a tangible way to put the past behind you and get on with your life. Many people express deep satisfaction upon expunging their records because it provides a sense of closure to a difficult chapter in their lives.
If you have been convicted of a crime and have completed your sentence it is in your best interest to begin the expungement process immediately.